The wintry cold air is punctuated with conversations in a cacophony of languages, but at the Canon Photo Clinic 2015, everybody speaks a common language: the love of great photography. From August to ...
No trip to Nagasaki is complete without purchasing its famous snack, Castella. Ambience of Dutch Trading Post in 17th century ©Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture Castella ©Fukusaya We ...
You can’t have a conversation about Japanese cooking without first talking about dashi – or stock – as it’s used in almost all aspects of the cuisine. Best part? All the varieties mentioned here can b...
Mention “Hokkaido” and many people immediately think of Sapporo. But if you are up for a whole new way to experience Japan’s largest prefecture, we recommend you make your next holiday destination Tok...
Ban’ei Horseracing This is the only place in the world offering such a form of horseracing. Horses weighing up to a ton (they are touted as the “world’s biggest horses”) pull an iron sleigh along an ...
Lake Nukabira’s surrounding terrain and sights provide for activities you can do here all year round. Contributing writer Deborah Tan shares her experience trekking through the wintry forest and on th...
Horokanai is the largest producer of soba in Japan and during a recent visit; Oishii contributing writer Vanessa Tai had the privilege of finding out all about this beloved staple. She even got her ha...
If you’ve always found abandoned settlements hauntingly beautiful, Nagasaki’s Gunkanjima is the definitive destination for just that. Located 20 kilometers from Nagasaki, visitors are allowed on the i...
Biei-cho Blue Pond The Biei countryside is one of unparalleled beauty and tranquility. A must-visit is the Blue Pond, which is located on the left bank of the River Bieigawa. As its name suggests, t...
Although Hokkaido is the largest of the 47 prefectures in Japan, it also remains one of the least developed parts of the country. But therein lies its charm. Spectacular scenery is spread out for mile...
“As a nature lover, the sights that greeted me at every turn in Sado left me at once awestruck and humbled. Suffice it so say, the highlight of my trip was the day of nature sight-seeing in Osado, the...
As the first place in Japan to receive foreign influences, Nagasaki does indeed live up to its name as a melting pot of different cultures. For one, it is home to a museum exhibiting items demonstrati...