“Whether it’s Japanese rice vinegar, Singaporean sambal belachan, or Thai sweet chili sauce, I enjoy experimenting with Asian flavours and Western cooking techniques. My passion in fusion dishes bloss...
With so much good food available, it’s hard to decide where to eat. Here are some of our top picks....
Before you leave Hamamatsu, get your hands on some of these treasures....
Used to transform starches into sugar to produce sake, as well as ferment soybeans to make seasonings like shoyu and miso, it’s hard to imagine what Japanese cuisine would look like without koji. A...
Tempura is one of the most popular Japanese foods around the world, but did you know it actually has Portuguese origins? In the late 16th century, Portuguese missionaries and merchants residing in Nag...
ABC Cooking Studio, which opened in Singapore in 2015, specialises in teaching people how to prepare Japanese cuisine. In this issue, we find out how to prepare teriyaki sauce. “Commonly used in Ja...
More than just a sweet treat, this Japanese company has revived an age-old candy by transforming it into a mode of communication. Kumiame (assembled candy) is a traditional Japanese sweet with a hi...
There’s something quite remarkable about Koto City. One of the 23 special wards of Tokyo, Koto City is the result of a merger between Fukagawa and Joto Wards in March 1947. Over the years, the city ha...
“About 70 percent of the ingredients I use in my restaurant are sourced from Japan. Although I employ French cooking techniques and my cuisine is decidedly French, it’s no secret that I am a big fan o...
When in Koto City, it would be inconceivable to miss out on these historical sights. ...